Course Overview
cryptography is everywhere
- Secure communication: HTTPS, 802.11i WPA2, GSM, Bluetooth
- Encryption files on disk: EFS, TrueCrypt
- Content protection: CSS, AACS
- User authentication
Secure Sockets Layer / TLS
two main protocol:
- Handshake protocol: Establish shared secret key using public-key cryptography.
- Record Layer: Transmit data using shared secret key ensure confidentiality and integrity.
Use cases
- Single use key: (one time key)
- Key is only used to encrypt one message
- encrypted email: new key generated for every email
- Multi use key: (many time key)
- Key used to encrypt multiple messages
- encrypted files: same key used to encrypt many files
- Need more machinery than for one-time key
what is cryptography
crypto core
- Secret key establishment
- Secure communication
but crypto can do much more
- Digital signatures
- Anonymous communication
- Anonymous digital cash
Another application of cryptography has to do with more abstract protocols.
- Elections
- private auctions: Vickrey auction.
- Secure multi-party computation
There’s a very central theorem in crypto and it really is quite a surprising fact.
That says that any computation you’d like to do, any function F you’d like to compute, that you can compute with a trusted authority, you can also do without a trusted authority.
for example, individual inputs can talk to each other using some protocol, at the end of the protocol all of a sudden the value of the function becomes known to everybody. and yet nothing other than the value of the function is revealed.
crypto magic
- privately outsourcing computation
- GGoogle can actually compute on the encrypted values without knowing what the plain texts are
- zero knowledge(proof of knowledge)
- the number N was constructed is as a product of two large primes, N = P * Q, Alice know N and P and Q, Bob just know N, Alice can prove to Bob that she knows the factorization of N, but Bob absolutely learns nothing at all about the factors P and Q.
Symmetric Ciphers
c := E(key, m)
- c: ciphertext
- E: cipher
- k: shared key
- m: plaintext
m = D(key, c)
Few Historic Examples
Substitution cipher
how to break a substitution cipher?
- use frequency of English letters: 利用了大数据的原理,单个字母在文本出现的概率是有统计的,根据这个概率排序就可以确定加密的letter映射的是哪一个letter
- use frequency of pairs of letters(digrams): 多个字母连在一起是组成单词的,考虑到多个字母连在一起的出现的概率也是可以进行推断的。
Vigenère cipher (16’th century, Rome)
if the plaintext is WHAT A DAY
, and the key is CRYPTO
,so the ciphertext is YYYI T RCP
假设预先知道key的长度l,那么每隔l个字母它们的cipher是一样的,因此可以猜测出现频率最高的可能是E(毕竟我们预先知道最高的是E),最后也就能猜测key。如果最后的message是有意义的,那就说明破解是没有问题的。 即使我们不知道key的长度,也可以通过不断的假设key的长度,通过穷举key的长度来找到有意义的message。
Rotor machines(1870-1943)
Early example: the Hebern machine (single rotor)
Most famous: the Enigma (3-5 rotors)
Data Encryption Standard (1974)
using computer
DES: # keys = 2^56, block size = 64bits DES is not secure today.
- AES(2001), # keys = 2^128
- Salsa20
- others