Old example: RC4 (1987)
- used in HTTPS and WEB
- Bias in initial output: Pr[ 2nd byte = 0 ] = 2/256
- Prob. of (0,0) is 1/2562 + 1/2563
- Related key attacks
RC4 is unsecure!!
Old example: CSS (badly broken)
CSS: content scrambling system
CSS is based on Linear feedback shift register (LFSR):
LFSR seed: init status of LFSR
all broken:
- DVD encryption (CSS): 2 LFSRs
- GSM encryption (A5/1,2): 3 LFSRs
- Bluetooth (E0): 4 LFSRs
CSS: seed = 5 bytes = 40 bits
CSS is unsecure!!
Modern stream ciphers: eStream
PRG: ${0, 1}^s * R \rightarrow {0, 1}^n, n»s$
R: nonce
- a non-repeating value for a given key
$E(k, m; r) = m \oplus PRG(k; r)$
the pair (k, r) is never used more than once.
eStream: Salsa 20 (Software + Hardware)